Hyvia inaugurates the Flins factory

May 2022 | News

Hyvia inaugurates the Flins factory. The Renault and Plug Power joint venture inaugurated its factory on March 15. Up to 1,000 units in a full year of hydrogen fuel cells will be manufactured on site at the Flins plant.

Hyvia inaugurates the Flins factory

When Hyvia inaugurates the Flins factory, it is a “delicate” operation, all the more so when it is a sensitive site co-managed by two flagships of French and American industries. For David Holderbach, CEO of Hyvia, “the Flins plant represents a human, technological and industrial challenge.” It is in this context that MARAKANDA was asked to illustrate this unique joint venture between Renault and Plug Power in the best possible way.

Hyvia inaugurates the Flins plant: in a clean and controlled way MARAKANDA manages the press conference

Hyvia inaugurates the Flins factory

When Hyvia inaugurates the Flins plant, nearly 30 corporate, automotive, environmental and eco-mobility journalists from the written press, radio and television from all over Europe are invited. With Marakanda’s experience in press relations and automotive press launches, our team knows exactly how to set up all logistics such as transfers, check-in and accompanying the press. Upon their arrival at the Flins site, our hostesses give them their press accreditations as well as the FR/EN translation headsets necessary to follow all the Keynotes and visits.

A factory inauguration: a precise orchestration

Our client, through its mastery of new transportation technologies, deserved an inauguration that lived up to its product requirements. At MARAKANDA, all of our services are organized around 5 methodically respected points:

Following a brief given by the client, we provide the latter with a recommendation summarizing the needs and our vision of the actions that need to be taken to run the event like clockwork. Once the recommendation has been validated, we define a precise estimate so that costs and time can be perfectly managed. We implement our strategy through specifications and retro planning allowing our client and the teams to follow all the tasks validated upstream and thus better understand the requirements of the event. A complete site inspection is carried out in order to detect all technical obstacles and possible safety and health constraints. Finally, the day before the event, a complete running of the program is carried out with the client and our teams to guarantee a serene service for all.

Hyvia: inauguration of the Flins factory in 3 workshops

To make this day a moment linking know-how and interactions, Hyvia opted to set up two workshops and a Keynote space.

At workshop number 1, a visit in French and English to the fuel cell assembly and test line. The journalists who were invited were thus able to discover the heart of the machine in 3 stages:

  1. Substations for assembly
  2. Final assembly
  3. 3.H2 test

Hyvia inaugurates the Flins factory

As for workshop number 2, all the creativity and ingenuity of this Renault and Plug Power joint venture was revealed to the attending press. It was important for Hyvia to be educational in order to reveal to as many people as possible the infinite capacities of hydrogen energy. This was done with an educational workshop on fuel cell technology based on a fuel cell prototype and a video revealing its many secrets.

Finally, our client could not fully succeed with this inauguration without a Keynote space. An assigned space to facilitate good communication between Hyvia and all the press.

A successful launch for the Hyvia plant in Flins

Hyvia inaugure l'usine de Flins

Remember that for David Holderbach, CEO of Hyvia, “the Flins plant represents a human, technological and industrial challenge.” It is through this inauguration specifically focused on education, the discovery of new technologies and interaction that Hyvia, a joint venture of the Renault Group and Plug Power, definitively sealed their pact. Future utility vehicle owners will thus be able to count on softer, more responsible solutions made in France. We are delighted to accompany this flagship of the new French industry from its beginnings to this inauguration.

Do you want to organize an inauguration or a product launch in the world of transport and mobility? Contact your MARAKANDA team now.